The Location page is used to search for the job site after filling in your Ticket Details so you can finalize the inquiry. The location process is broken up in 3 simple steps. Please use the links below to jump to each section:
1. Search for dig site location
2. Draw your dig site
3. Confirm your dig site
Step 1: Search for dig site location
You can search using 3 different options:
Street address
You can type the address details into the Street field and the system will provide matching options in a drop down below the field as you type:
The matching options can be clicked on to autocomplete the address, or else you can type it out in full. Once the address has been entered, click Search to load the map on the right-hand side of the page.
If your address is not recognized (e.g. if in a new subdivision or rural area), try searching for just the street name, or an established nearby street to bring up a general area you can use as a starting point to then pan to your location. Switching to a satellite or hybrid map view can sometimes display more street layouts than the base maps for new areas. Alternatively, you could try one of our other search options below, or ring our call center on 811 or 1-800-922-4455 for assistance.
This is similar to the Street search, but fields are provided for two streets that intersect as well as the Town/City:
XY Co-ordinates:
Latitude & Longitude (Digital Degrees)
When putting decimal degrees into CBYD:
- X-Coordinate: Will be the negative figure, e.g. -72.906194 (Longitude)
- Y-Coordinate: Will be the positive figure, e.g. 41.372639 (Latitude)
- Projection/Datum: Longitude / Latitude (WGS 84)
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (e.g. 41°22'21.5"N 72°54'22.3"W) will need to be converted in Google Maps before they can be inputted. To do this:
- Enter the co-ordinates into the search bar in the format shown below, with a space dividing each degree/minute/second, and a comma (or a space) dividing the latitude and longitude:
- Press the search magnifying glass button or hit Enter on your keyboard. The map will load to the position, and below the search bar it will provide the equivalent decimal co-ordinates:
These co-ordinates can now be searched in CBYD. Please note the Projection/Datum will still be "Longitude/Latitude (WGS 84)".
Step 2: Draw your dig site
After entering your criteria at Step 1 and clicking Search, a map will appear on the right-hand side of the screen with a circular cursor indicating the found location. The next step is to select the work site on this map using the tools on the left-hand side:
The map tools include:
- Pan: Select the Pan tool to enable you to click and drag the map to move it around.
- Zoom: You can use the plus and minus buttons, click on the bar, or roll in and out using the scroller on your mouse to zoom in or out of the map.
- Line: Select the Line tool to designate linear sites on the map, e.g. fence lines. Click once at the beginning of the length, then click once each time the line needs to bend, then double-click at the end to complete the drawing.
- Polygon: Select the Polygon tool to designate broader areas on the map, e.g. properties or road corridors. Click once at the first corner, then click once on each corner as you trace around the site, then double-click at the end to complete the drawing.
- Circle: Select the Circle tool to draw out a circular area on the map, e.g. radius around an intersection. Click once in the center of the site and hold down the click, then move the mouse outwards to stretch the circle to the required size, then release the click to complete the circle.
- Edit: Select the Edit/pen tool to amend an area that you have already drawn using the line/polygon/circle tools. Click on the existing drawing - it will turn blue, and you will be able to move existing points/create new points to change the shape of the drawing. Once editing is completed, click anywhere on the map or on the tool icon again to save the new shape.
Measure: Select the Measure/ruler tool to find the distance from one point to another. Click once at the beginning of the length, then click once each time the line needs to bend. Double-click at the end to stop measuring. The distance will be shown on a scale at the bottom of the map.
Please note: this gray dotted line will not disappear until you submit the ticket. It will NOT appear on the submitted enquiry after it has submitted. This does not matter, however, as the line is merely for your use. - Layers: Select the Layers tool to view different base maps, including Hybrid and Satellite views. Make your selection using the radio buttons on the pop-up, and the map will reload to show the alternative imagery.
Tip: To delete an incorrect drawing, re-select a drawing tool and begin a new drawing. The old one will disappear automatically. If you have used the Measure tool the grey dotted lines will remain on the map afterwards, but will not show up on your completed ticket.
Along the bottom of the map, you will be able to see:
Scale: Gives an idea of distances on the map:
- Measure: Displays the measurement of the current drawing tool being used (line/polygon/circle/ruler sizes):
XY Coordinates: Displays the current position of the mouse pointer on the map:
Please note that if your site is oversize (larger than 2500 ft for lines or circles, or 6253826 ft/sq in area), it will need to be broken down into smaller sections. To assist with this we have created the Continue Job function which will help you keep track of the previous ticket's details and map.
After drawing the location on the map, you will be able to edit the site address using the fields at Step 3.
Step 3: Confirm your dig site
After marking out the location on the map, Step 3 will appear. This field is used to confirm the address of your site.
If Street/Intersection searches were used to bring up the map, this will automatically fill in with the matching address. If an XY or Grid search was done (or if the street search was approximate), you will need to update the address to reflect the area selected on the map. You will also need to add in the nearest cross street, to assist the locators find the site when they go to perform their mark-outs:
If you have lot and plan numbers, co-ordinates, instructions, or any other important information you can add these into the "Notes: Project Description" section:
Once all the details have been confirmed, you can finalize the ticket by clicking the red Submit button at the bottom of the form. Please note that no further changes can be made to the ticket after submitting it:
You may need to quickly complete the reCAPTCHA popup after clicking Submit to securely lodge your ticket. Click here for more information on this feature.
You will now be taken to the Job Summary screen where you can view a list of notified asset owners affected by your inquiry. These registered utilities will be emailed and requested to respond with their locate services, which will be completed before the indicated start date on the request. For more information on the output process, please view our What happens after submitting a CBYD ticket? article.
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